Estimation |
Filter | Extended Kalman filter |
Estimation parameters | Epoch state vector, empirical accelerations, epoch-wise residual phase offset and fractional frequency offset, inter-system bias, phase ambiguities |
Stochastic models | White observation noise, elevation-independent weighting, zero a-priori values, and configurable standard deviation of empirical accelerations |
Ambiguity | Float |
GNSS Measurements |
GNSS Observations | Undifferenced GPS L1 C/A / L2C, L1/L2 P(Y), and Galileo E1/E5a pseudorange and carrier phase (Table 4) |
Sampling rate | 30 s |
GNSS data arc | Continuous from January 17 to January 30, 2021; telemetry data gap on January 25 between 02:29 and 02:46 |
GNSS satellite biases | GPS C1C/C2L timing group delay (TGD) and inter-signal corrections from CNAV; Galileo C1C/C5Q neglected |
Phase windup | Neglected |
S6A GNSS antenna | Constant antenna offset in satellite body frame; zero antenna phase center offset |
S6A attitude | Quaternions (measured) |
Reference frame | GPS: WGS84(1762’) (Malys et al., 2016); Galileo: GTRF19v01 |
Orbit Model |
Earth gravity field | GOCO03S (Tapley et al., 2004) up to order and degree 50, rate terms Ċ20, Ċ21, Ṡ21 |
Third-body gravity | Point-mass model; truncated analytical series of luni-solar coordinates (Montenbruck & Gill, 2000) |
Solid Earth tides | K2 tides (Rizos & Stolz, 1985) |
Ocean tides | Neglected |
Relativity | Neglected |
Solar radiation pressure | Cannonball model |
Earth radiation pressure | Neglected |
Atmospheric forces | Cannonball model; Harris-Priester model for medium-solar flux (Harris & Priester, 1962) |
Empirical acceleration | Epoch-wise approximation; three components in radial, tangential, normal direction; constant during propagation step |
Reference frame | ITRF |
Earth orientation | GPS CNAV Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP; GPS ICD, 2020) |
Numerical integration | 4th-order Runge-Kutta |