RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Distributed Nonlinear Least-Squares Solver for Practical Network Determination JF NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation JO NAVIGATION FD Institute of Navigation SP navi.658 DO 10.33012/navi.658 VO 71 IS 3 A1 Krška, Josef A1 Navrátil, Václav YR 2024 UL https://navi.ion.org/content/71/3/navi.658.abstract AB An integral step in an ultra-wideband localization network installation is determining the positions of the fixed infrastructure nodes, the anchors. This process is time-consuming and usually requires specialized equipment. Additionally, it is difficult to achieve scalability, as any change or addition in the network requires a redetermination of the affected anchors. One can automate this process by utilizing the distance-measuring capabilities of the network infrastructure and employing a distributed position estimation algorithm, such as the consensus subgradient (CSG) algorithm. Yet, the CSG suffers from scalability issues due to high problem dimensionality and data-sharing bottlenecks in practical applications. Consequently, implementation in embedded devices is difficult. In this article, we propose a modification of this algorithm, the neighborhood CSG, which aims toward embedded implementation by local reduction of the problem dimensions without hindering the precision of the original CSG algorithm or its convergence rate.