RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Preliminary Analysis of BDS-3 Performance for ARAIM JF NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation JO NAVIGATION FD Institute of Navigation SP navi.553 DO 10.33012/navi.553 VO 70 IS 1 A1 Zhang, Hengwei A1 Jiang,, Yiping A1 Yang, Ling YR 2023 UL https://navi.ion.org/content/70/1/navi.553.abstract AB To support the operation of advanced receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (ARAIM), an integrity support message indicating a minimum performance level of satellite constellation is required for aircraft navigation. With BDS-3 providing worldwide service since July 2020, it is desirable to undertake a detailed study on its signal-in-space range error characteristics and prior fault probabilities for ARAIM. The latest accuracy criteria released by the China Satellite Navigation Office in May 2021 is validated by the 27 MEO and IGSO satellites in orbit from July 2020 to June 2021, in which 10 single satellite faults were identified and analyzed in detail with no constellation fault found. Based on this one-year data, the probability of single satellite faults and constellation faults can be initially set as 8 × 10−5 and 1 × 10−3, respectively, for BDS-3 in ARAIM.