PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Yang, Sihan AU - Yi, Ding AU - Vana,, Sudha AU - Bisnath, Sunil TI - Resilient Smartphone Positioning Using Native Sensors and PPP Augmentation AID - 10.33012/navi.567 DP - 2023 Jun 20 TA - NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation PG - navi.567 VI - 70 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - NAVIGATION2023 Jun 20; 70 AB - With the ubiquitous use of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers, navigation solutions from smartphones have become integrated in various applications throughout our lives. These ultra-low-cost GNSS receivers have the drawbacks of insufficient observations and poorer signal reception quality than higher-cost receivers. Since 2016, smartphones using the Android operating system have been able to output raw GNSS pseudorange and carrier-phase measurements, thereby enabling improved navigation capabilities. The realm of sensor fusion is also being explored by using smartphone sensors, including inertial measurement units (IMUs), cameras, and other fusion techniques. The research presented herein deployed only IMU and GNSS sensors native to existing smartphones and achieved a standalone solution using PPP/IMU integration that outperformed standard techniques. In open-sky vehicle experiments, the sensor integration algorithm achieved 1.6-m horizontal RMS, thus reducing 80% of horizontal errors in GNSS-challenging environments through a tightly coupled GNSS-PPP solution that is yet to appear in publications.