Orbital Parameters Represented in the OP Frame for the Three LNCSS Constellation Case Studies The short-hand notation x : y : z indicates a series generated within the closed interval [x, z], with spacing between values given by y. Note that for any case study, all combinations of the RAAN and mean anomaly series are considered to generate the orbital parameters: e.g., the 8 satellites in case study A are given by the following [RAAN, mean anomaly] pairs: [0, 0], [0, 90], [0, 180], [0, 270], [180, 0], [180, 90], [180, 180], [180, 270].

LNCSS Case StudyNo. of SatellitesSemi-Major Axis a (km)Eccentricity eInclination i (deg)Argument of Perigee ω(deg)RAAN ΩMean Anomaly M