Average Execution Time of Homomorphic Encryption Applied to the LS Algorithm When L = 6 and L = 30 Satellites Are Observed by Each User
Number of Satellites (L) | Polyn Degree (n) | Average Execution Time (s) |
2048 | 0.0491153 | |
6 | 4096 | 0.1296411 |
8192 | 0.4144107 | |
16384 | 1.6944951 | |
2048 | 2.48926928 | |
30 | 4096 | 7.53169804 |
8192 | 25.07900775 | |
16384 | 93.36147592 |
Note: The test was performed for four polynomial degree n values: 2048, 4096, 8192, and 16384. The security parameter λ = 128 and plaintext modulus value t = 5003 remained constant for all cases.