Initial Simulation Parameters and Examples of Basic Settings for Variable Content

Simulation ParameterVariable ContentUnit
calendar date (year, month, day)yearQ = 2011, monthQ = 03, dayQ = 14
center longitude of simulation domainlonCTR = −60deg
western longitude limit of simulation domainlonWlim = lonCTR − 65deg
eastern longitude limit of simulation domainlonElim = lonCTR + 65deg
planetary K-indexKp = 2.33
solar flux indexF10.7 = 180sfu
altitude lattice/grid sizedh = 10km
longitude lattice/grid sizedlon = 0.1deg
time step sizedt = 0.05hr
option whether or not to use emulated LSWS pattern for the initial aggregation siteuse_lsws = ‘Y’logical
option whether or not to use F10.7-dependent EPB apex height ceilinguse_apexadjust = ‘Y’logical
wavenumber of emulated LSWS patternklsws = 2π/5.0rad / deg lon
vertical amplitude of emulated LSWS patternamplsws = 20km
floor altitude for the DLA fractal process*hminbub = 130km
floor altitude for the DLA fractal process#hminbub = 150km
ceiling altitude for the DLA fractal processhmaxbub = 497.12 + 6.09 × F10.7km
ceiling altitude for the DLA fractal processhmaxbub = 950km
number of Brownian random-walking “virtual particles” (DLA building blocks) allocated for every 25° longitude of simulation domainEmbedded Image
  • * if set option, use_lsws = ‘Y’

  • # if set option, use_lsws = ‘N’

  • if set option, use_apexadjust = ‘Y’

  • if set option, use_apexadjust = ‘N’