Notation and Sizes of Main Vectors and Matrices

pr,f(m −1)× 1SD code observations of antenna r, frequency f
φr,f(m −1)× 1SD phase observations of antenna 1, frequency f
Prf(m −1)×1SD code observations of antenna r
Φrf(m −1)×1SD phase observations of antenna r
yr2f(m −1)× 1All SD observations of antenna r
Embedded Imagef(m −1)×1DD code observations of antennae 1 and 2
Embedded Imagef(m −1)×1DD phase observations of antennae 1 and 2
Y2f(m −1)×(a −1)All DD observations of the array
vec[yr, Y]2f(m −1)a × 1Observation set of the A-POAD model
vec(Yr)2f(m −1)a × 1All SD observations in vec form
Embedded Image3 × 1Unit-direction vector to satellite s
G = Gr2f(m −1)× 3Geometry component of the design matrix
A2f(m −1)× f(m −1)Ambiguity component of the design matrix
Qpm × mCovariance matrix of undifferenced code observations
Qϕm × mCovariance matrix of undifferenced phase observations
Embedded Image(m −1)×(m −1)Covariance matrix of DD code observations
Embedded Image(m −1)×(m −1)Covariance matrix of DD phase observations
Qra × aCovariance matrix of the array (array precision)
Qff × fContribution of frequencies
Qvec[yr, Y]2f(m −1) a × 2f(m −1)aCovariance matrix of the A-POAD model
QY2f(m −1)(a −1)× 2f(m −1)(a −1)Covariance matrix of DD observations
zrf(m −1)×1All SD observations of antenna r
Zf(m −1)×(a −1)All DD observations of the array
B3×(a −1)All baselines (considering one antenna as reference)
(m −1)× 2mDD operator
Embedded Image(i+1)× iDifferencing matrix
ei1 × iRow vector with elements equal to 1
Iii × iIdentity matrix
c1(i +1)×1Column vector in which the first element equals 1 and the remainder equal 0