Parameterization Used for the HRD and RD POD of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich (S6A)

Model / data set / parameterChoice for Sentinel-6A
Observation model
    Observation combinationUndifferenced ionosphere-free combination of GPS L1 P(Y) / L2-CL or L2 P(Y) and Galileo E1-C and E5-Q
    Observation sampling30 s over 24-h arcs
    Observation weightingConstant (uncombined pseudorange σ = 1.0 m, uncombined carrier-phase σ = 1.0 cm)
    GNSS orbits / clocksCODE rapid products (Dach et al., 2023) (30-s clock sampling)
    GNSS satellite biasesCODE rapid IAR OSB product (Dach et al., 2023; Schaer et al., 2021; Villiger et al., 2019)
    GNSS PCO and PVsIGS14 igs14.atx (Rebischung & Schmid, 2016)
    GNSS attitudeYaw-steering attitude (Montenbruck et al., 2015)
    Earth orientation parametersCODE rapid (Dach et al., 2023)
    Reference framesITRF 2014 / GCRF 2014
    S6A ARP / CoM locationValues from Cullen (2023), x- and y-corrections estimated as random constant with σ0 = 2 cm
    S6A PCO and PVssen08.atx (calibrated in-orbit) (CPOD Team, 2022)
    S6A spacecraft attitudeMeasured quaternions
    Carrier-phase ambiguitiesEstimated as pass-wise random constant (float)
    Receiver ISB (Galileo)Estimated as random walk with large process noise
    Receiver clock offsetEstimated as integrated random walk
Dynamic model
    GeopotentialGOCO06s (Kvas et al., 2021) up to degree and order 100 (static and time-varying)
    Solar system planetsMoon and sun (Fienga et al., 2019)
    Solid Earth tidesIERS2010 (Petit & Luzum, 2010)
    Pole tidesIERS2010 mean pole model (Petit & Luzum, 2010)
    Ocean tidesFES2014b (Lyard et al., 2021) up to degree and order 80
    RelativityIERS2010 (Petit & Luzum, 2010)
    Radiation pressureRD: Ray-tracing model (Zardaín et al., 2020) with geometry and surface properties from Cullen (2023)
HRD: Cannonball model
    Earth discretizationMethod by Knocke et al. (1988) but with 6 rings and 103 segments with Earth albedo and emissivity coefficients from Hackel (2019)
    Earth and moon shadowConical model (Montenbruck & Gill, 2000)
    Atmospheric dragCannonball model with fixed drag coefficient
    Atmospheric densityDTM2020 (Bruinsma & Boniface, 2021)
    IntegratorDormand Prince 6(5) (Prince & Dormand, 1981)
    Radial accelerationFirst-order Gauss–Markov with τ = 600 s and σ = 5 nm/s2 (RD) or σ = 10 nm/s2 (HRD)
    Tangential and cross-track accelerationEstimated one constant variable with σ0 = 5 nm/s2 (RD) or σ0 = 10 nm/s2 (HRD) and once-per-revolution sine and cosine amplitudes (first-order Gauss–Markov) with τ = 2 orbits and σ = 5 nm/s2 (RD) or σ = 20 nm/s2 (HRD)
    SRP scale coefficientEstimated as random constant (RD: σ0 = 0.1, HRD: σ0 = 0.2)
  • Note: CODE: Center of Orbit Determination in Europe; IAR: integer ambiguity resolution; OSB: observable-specific bias; IGS: International GNSS Service; ITRF: International Terrestrial Reference Frame; GCRF: Geocentric Celestial Reference Frame; GOCO: Gravity Observation Combination; IERS: International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service; FES: finite element solution; ISB: inter-system bias