Multipath and troposphere error models

Parameter descriptionSymbolValue
Upper bound on the raw code multipath correlation time constantτρ,max900s
Lower bound on the raw code multipath correlation time constantτρ,min10s
Variance of GMP used to model raw code multipath at 90 deg elevation angle (Joerger & Pervan, 2016)Embedded Image(0.5 m)2
Upper bound on the raw carrier multipath correlation time constantτφ,max900s
Lower bound on the raw carrier multipath correlation time constantτφ,min10s
Variance of GMP used to model raw carrier multipath at 90 deg elevation angle (Joerger & Pervan, 2016)Embedded Image(5 mm)2
Upper bound on the troposphere error correlation time constantτT,max2700s
Lower bound on the troposphere error correlation time constantτφ,min900s
Variance of GMP used to model zenith troposphere errorEmbedded Image(0.12 m)2
  • All other simulation parameters are given in Joerger and Pervan (2020).