Models and parameters for Swarm multi-GNSS observation simulation. Individual signals are identified by RINEX (IGS/RTCM, 2019) observation codes

GNSS constellation
    Orbits and clock offsetsGFZ0MGXRAP rapid multi-GNSS product with 5 m orbit and 30 s clock sampling (CDDIS, 2020)
    AttitudeModels of rate-limited yaw-steering (Dilssner, 2010; Dilssner et al., 2018; GSC, 2019; Kouba, 2009)
    Antenna offsets & phase variationsigs14.atx (week 2118)
    Code biasesCAS0MGRAP differential code bias product (CDDIS, 2020)
LEO satellite
    Spacecraft center of massSwarm-C precise science orbit (ESA, 2020)
    AttitudeStar sensor based attitude quaternions (ESA, 2020)
    Center of mass(-1.9540 m, +0.0010 m, -0.3340 m) ESA (2020)
    Antenna reference point(-1.6502 m, +0.0010 m, -0.8055 m) ESA (2020)
Link model
    GNSS gain patternsMarquis and Reigh (2015), Monjas et al. (2010), Valle et al. (2006), Zhan et al. (2013)
    Transmit powerSteigenberger et al. (2018), Steigenberger et al. (2019)
    Receiver antenna gain patternRUAG PEC antenna (Wettergren et al., 2009)
    Losses4.5 dB for LNA noise figure and A/D conversion losses (Moreau et al., 2002)
Receiver model
    ClockLinear drift, controlled within ±0.5 ms
    Channels2×8 per constellation (GPS, Galileo, BeiDou-3)
    SignalsGPS: semi-codeless P(Y) (1W, 2W), or L1 C/A + L2C (1C, 2L), or L1 C/A + L5 pilot (1C, 5Q)
    GAL: E1 O/S & E5a pilot (1C, 5Q)
    BDS-3: B1C & B2a pilot (1P, 5P)
    Early-late correlator spacingGPS 1C: 0.14 chips; GPS 1W, 2W: 0.5 chips; GPS 2L: 0.28 chips; GAL 1C, BDS-3 1P: 0.07 chips; GPS 5Q, GAL 5Q, BDS-3 5P: 0.7 chips
    DLL bandwidthGPS 1W, 2W: 0.10 Hz; GPS 2L: 0.25 Hz; GPS 5Q, GAL 5Q, BDS-3 5P: 1 Hz; others 0.5 Hz
    PLL bandwidthGPS 1W, 2W: 1 Hz; others: 15 Hz
    Elevation mask
    Acquisition/tracking threshold15 dBHz / 10 dBHz for GPS P(Y), all others 35 dBHz / 30 dBHz
Observation model
    Light-timeModeled (iterative solution)
    RelativityModeled (periodic clock variation, Shapiro effect)
    Phase wind-upModeled (Wu et al., 1993)
    Ionospheric path delayConstant vertical TEC (10 TECU) and thick-layer mapping function (Lear, 1989)
    Receiver antenna phase center offsetZero (GPS L1/L2 offset included in antenna reference point; same value assumed for other signals)
    Receiver antenna phase variationsGPS L1/L2 phase variations from in-flight calibration; applied for all signals
    Receiver antenna multipathPhase multipath included in phase pattern; in-flight calibration of GPS L1 and L2 pseudorange multipath applied for signals in L1/E1/B1 and L2/E5a/B2a frequency bands, respectively