Summarized information of the 3DMA GNSS method evaluated

3DMA GNSS algorithmAbbreviationSymbol of the score at j-th candidate, Sj,*Related section or equation
1. Shadow matching (Groves et al., 2020)SDMSj,SDM2.2
2. Skymask 3DMA (Ng et al., 2020a)SKYSj,SKY2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2
3. Likelihood-based ranging GNSS (Groves et al., 2020)LBRSj,LBR2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.3
4. Ranging-based 3DMA (RNG), integrate SKY and LBRSKY+LBRSj,RNG2.4(15)
5. Integrate SKY and SDMSKY+SDMSj,SKY+SDMEmbedded Image
6. Integrate LBR and SDMLBR+SDMSj,LBR+SDMEmbedded Image
7. Integrate all 3DMA GNSS algorithmSKY+LBR+SDMSj,SKY+LBR+SDMEmbedded Image