Index by author
Winter 2022; Volume 69,Issue 4
Baumgarten, Yoav
- Open AccessNavigation and Ionosphere Characterization Using High-Frequency Signals: A Performance AnalysisYoav Baumgarten, Mark L. Psiaki, and David L. HysellNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.546; DOI:
Bhamidipati, Sriramya
- Open AccessSet-Valued Shadow Matching Using Zonotopes for 3D-Map-Aided GNSS LocalizationSriramya Bhamidipati, Shreyas Kousik, and Grace GaoNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.547; DOI:
Chan, Bryan C.
- Open AccessCommercial GNSS Radio Occultation on Aerial Platforms With Off-The-Shelf ReceiversBryan C. Chan, Ashish Goel, Jonathan Kosh, Tyler G. R. Reid, Corey R. Snyder, Paul M. Tarantino, Saraswati Soedarmadji, Widyadewi Soedarmadji, Kevin Nelson, Feiqin Xie, and Michael VergallaNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.544; DOI:
Chen, Junping
- Open AccessReal-Time Precise GPS Orbit and Clock Estimation With a Quasi-Orbit-Fixed Solar Radiation Pressure ModelPeizhao Liu and Junping ChenNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.549; DOI:
Closas, Pau
- Open AccessA Method to Determine Secondary Codes and Carrier Phases of Short Snapshot SignalsXiao Liu, Pau Closas, Adrià Gusi-Amigó, Adria Rovira-Garcia, and Jaume SanzNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.541; DOI:
Cui, Xiaowei
- Open AccessSignal Quality Monitoring Based on Chip Domain Observables: Theory, Design, and ImplementationXiang Wang, Xiaowei Cui, Gang Liu, Kefan Wei, and Mingquan LuNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.543; DOI:
Feng,, Wenquan
- Open AccessHigh-Precision Positioning Using Plane-Constrained RTK Method in Urban EnvironmentsChen Zhuang, Hongbo Zhao, Yuli He, Shan Hu, Wenquan Feng, and Bing HouNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.540; DOI:
Fu, Yuanwen
- Open AccessMeasurement Error Detection for Stereo Visual Odometry IntegrityYuanwen Fu, Shizhuang Wang, Yawei Zhai, Xingqun Zhan, and Xin ZhangNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.542; DOI:
Gallon, Elisa
- Open AccessRobust Modeling of GNSS Orbit and Clock Error DynamicsElisa Gallon, Mathieu Joerger, and Boris PervanNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.539; DOI:
Gao, Grace
- Open AccessSet-Valued Shadow Matching Using Zonotopes for 3D-Map-Aided GNSS LocalizationSriramya Bhamidipati, Shreyas Kousik, and Grace GaoNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.547; DOI:
- Open AccessImproving GNSS Positioning Using Neural-Network-Based CorrectionsAshwin V. Kanhere, Shubh Gupta, Akshay Shetty, and Grace GaoNAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation December 2022, 69 (4) navi.548; DOI:
In this issue
NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation
Vol. 69, Issue 4
Winter 2022
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